More than 300 experts and professionals from 56 countries from all continents will meet on 27 and 28 May at the European Media Literacy Forum . Governments , audio-visual authorities , institutions , experts , teachers , media...
Emelina Fernández, President of The Audiovisual Council of Andalusia , is one of the speakers of the European Media Literacy Forum , which will be held on May 27th and 28th 2014, at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris . Mrs. Fernández is an...
The project EMEDUS will present the European Observatory on Media Literacy at the European Media Literacy Forum, that will be held on May 27 and 28, in Paris. This observatory is born as a continuation of the European Media Literacy Study...
The European Media Literacy Forum will host next May the presentation of the results of several European research projects. The European Media Literacy Study (EMEDUS) , Showing films and other audio-visual content in European schools -...
The European Science Foundation will present Media in Europe: New Questions for research and policy at the Paris Forum. This document aims to identify a common European research agenda and to clarify the institutional frameworks that can...
More than 300 experts from 56 countries from all continents will meet on 27 and 28 May at the European Media Literacy Forum . Several Ministries of Europe (Germany, Slovakia, Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland Nordic countries, Portugal) and...
El Foro Europeo sobre Alfabetización Mediática tiene abierta la inscripción de participantes, que tendrá lugar el 27 y 28 de mayo en París. Los interesados pueden contactar a través de la página web del evento . El principal objetivo de...
Los estudiantes de la III Edición del Máster en Periodismo de Viajes visitarán el Salón Internacional del Turismo de Cataluña , que se inaugurará el próximo viernes en Barcelona. La feria turística, de carácter profesional y abierto al...