Launch of the European Observatory on Media Literacy at the Paris Forum

The project EMEDUS will present the European Observatory on Media Literacy at the European Media Literacy Forum, that will be held on May 27 and 28, in Paris.
This observatory is born as a continuation of the European Media Literacy Study (EMEDUS) and it aims to become the European benchmark in relation to media literacy thanks to its extensive database and its network of European actors on media literacy.
This proposal was launched on March 6 and 7 at the second EMEDUS experts meeting, who met in Rome at Eurispes headquarters, Instituto di Ricerca degli Italiani, in Italy.
Among the experts that took part in the meeting there were relevant researchers in the field of Media Literacy in Europe: Evelyne Bevort (CLEMI-France), Martina Chapman (Media literacy consultant, UK), Emelina Fernández Soriano (Audiovisual Council Andalucía, Spain), Vladimir Gai (international consultant), Silke Grafe (University of Würzburg, Germany), Nathalie Labourdette (EBU Trainning), Mario Morcelini (Sapienza University, Italy), Claudia Lampert (University of Hamburg, Germany), Chido Onumah (African Centre for Media & Information Literacy, Nigeria), Alberto Parola (University of Turin, Italy), Matteo Zacchetti ("Media Programme and Media Literacy" European Commission, Belgium).