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Kick Off of FilmEd in Brussels
Last November 20th, the Steering Board of FilmEd- Showing films and other audio-visual content in European Schools - Obstacles and Best Practices had a meeting with the EC to discuss on the priorities of the study and agree on the refinements of the work plan.
The general objective of the Project is to support the European Commission in its current efforts to develop a European-wide media literacy policy, especially the inclusion of media literacy in school curricula. The Consortium set for that purpose is going to provide a study with reliable data on the situation of educational use of audiovisual content in schools throughout Europe. And in particular, it is going to specify the obstacles and good practices within the field, considering the three requested angles: educational, legal, and the report with the film industry.
Concerning the specific objectives of the study there are three-fold :
Firstly, on the basis of the definition of film literacy provided by the Commission in the Call, a European-scale study identifying and analyzing the existing situation concerning the use of audiovisual content in schools in Europe will be carried out. This will include both curriculum and extra-curriculum use of such content in schools paying exclusively attention to primary schools and thus, excluding higher education.
Secondly, the research team will analyze and identify obstacles and good practices for the use of films and other audiovisual content in schools, including licensing models for educational use.
And thirdly, all the collected data will led us to the elaboration of recommendations on how to strengthen the Commission's work within the context of media literacy policy, and in other policy fields.
The Consortium was represented by José Manuel Pérez Tornero, Head of the Communication Department, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) -as the Film Literacy Expert; Juan Francisco Martinez, Researcher, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) -as the Scientific Coordination; Henning Camre, Executive Director, European Think Tank on Film and Film Policy -as the Audiovisual Market Expert; Guido Westkamp, Professor in Intellectual Property and Comparative Law, Queen Mary University of London -as the IP & Copyright Expert; Silvano Marseglia, President, European Association of Teachers (AEDE) - as the School expert; Jean-Claude Gonon, Secretary General, European Association of Teachers (AEDE) -as the Data collection coordination; Ignasi Guardans, Chairman & CEO, Culture & Media Agency Europe, aisbl (CUMEDIAE) -as the Audiovisual Market Expert; Rafael Comenge, Culture & Media Agency Europe, aisbl (CUMEDIAE), as the Project Manager; and Laia Ros, Project Manager, Culture & Media Agency Europe, aisbl (CUMEDIAE) -as the Deputy Project Manager; and The EC team in charge of doing the follow-up of the research study composed by Matteo Zacchetti, Deputy Head of Unit, Creative Europe Programme -MEDIA, DG EAC; Dag Asbjørnsen, Policy Officer, Creative Europe Programme -MEDIA, DG EAC; Bronagh Walton, Policy Officer, Creative Europe Programme -MEDIA, DG EAC; Roland Termote, Trainee, Creative Europe Programme -MEDIA, DG EAC; Daphne de Wit, Policy Officer, School education: literacy, DG EAC; Marisol Perez Guevara, Policy officer, Film heritage, DG CONNECT.