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Information industries, secure societies and new strategies will be debated in the European Media and Information Literacy Forum

The programme of the second edition of the “European Media and Information Literacy Forum” (EU-MILINFO II) includes round tables and plenary sessions about media literacy issues that concern and affect our society.
Within the title “Media and Information Literacy in Europe: citizens’ critical competencies for a rights-based, transparent, open, secure and inclusive information environment” the forum offers interesting meetings and debates between experts of all over the world. Human rights, the need of sharing media literacy policies and the best way to create synergies are some of the topics that will be discussed in the event.
The forum is organized by UNESCO, the European Commission and the European Sub-Chapter of Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL). In the first edition of the forum more than 300 professionals were reunited in Paris.