EMEDUS project is presented at "Public Policies in Media and Information Literacy in Europe" Conference, in Paris

The EMEDUS Project was presented at the "Public Policies in Media and Information Literacy in Europe" Conference in Paris. This conference was held at Sorbonne Nouvelle University with the support of UNESCO on 13 and 14 December.
José Manuel Pérez Tornero, together with researcher Juanfran Martinez, shared different aspects related to EMEDUS with the rest of researchers attending the Congress, who came from all over Europe.
On Saturday 14 they discussed various initiatives and good practices related to the impact of Media and Information Literacy in the whole society, and linked those projects to those developed in the world of online education trends: MOOCs associated with platforms.
Finally, recommendations in this field of knowledge were offered by researchers. In this debate, José Manuel Pérez Tornero, as Principal Investigator of the project at Autonomous University of Barcelona, emphasized the European orientation of the initiatives that are being carried out under the European Commission guidance. That approach was approved by representatives of the French Ministry of Education.