Emelina Fernández about Paris Forum: "to consolidate media literacy as a priority in public policies"

Emelina Fernández, President of The Audiovisual Council of Andalusia, is one of the speakers of the European Media Literacy Forum, which will be held on May 27th and 28th 2014, at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris.
Mrs. Fernández is an expert in topics concerning audio-visual content, and she has published several books and articles related to that subject, as well as participated in several debates and conferences.
On the other hand, she has a long experience getting involved in political institutions at local, national and european level. In an interview about her participation in the European Media Literacy Forum, she has highlighted the importance of this event to the "consolidation of the media literacy as a priority in public policies"
Next you can read the answers of Mrs. Fernández about this Forum in Paris:
"In view of objectives, program, and European Media Literacy Forum participating entities, I am convinced that different participating entities commitment will be reinforced by conclusions, recommendations and proposals adopted so that media literacy consolidates as a priority in public policies, specifically in education.
More than ever an education system is required which allows citizens and specially minors, who are particularly vulnerable to the contents and messages received, to get to effective skills to maintain a quality relationship with media.
A rising challenge for our culture, which above all, looks for a democratic development, in order to defend a responsible attitude with media as a part of the citizens’ rights and duties.
In this situation, one of the main challenges to be considered is Internet, without a shadow of a doubt. Its growth as audiovisual contents vehicle of transmission rises in parallel with the developing of new equipment. We live in a world dominated by sound and image, therefore the lack of knowledge of audiovisual language places the receiver in a vulnerable situation to the media.
These huge media advances need to be analysed, this forum offers a great opportunity to achieve it.
The presence of over 300 representatives of public institutions, universities, media, industry, regulatory authorities and other agents, offers an excellent opportunity to dialogue so that all reflexions and different points of view converge in a common target: to achieve acquired commitments established in the European Legislation related to literacy media and promote the implication of the educational community developing initiatives and good practises.
Authorities’ role is especially important so they must participate more intensively and cooperate in the improvement of media literacy.
Therefore, from The Audiovisual Council of Andalusia, we consider a fundamental pillar to promote media literacy the education system, both, formal- from basics levels to University and teacher training- and informal – life learning process. That is the reason why educational community is called to be the main instrument to develop concrete actions related to media literacy.
On the other hand, The Audiovisual Council of Andalusia also appeal to media social responsibility because they constitute a key element in socialization, specifically to the youth, and they themselves, create, produce, reproduce and broadcast contents which affect and shape the society, itself.
Fathers, mothers, tutors and families are specially involved in media literacy challenge due to their responsibility in minors care and training process. They also are responsible for the guidance and parent control of media contents.
Therefore, CAA made in 2012 some recommendation to promote media literacy in Andalusia and the rest of Spanish and European range."
Principal Image: El País