Which aspects should be measured in Media Literacy related to individuals, companies and groups? And, how these measurements should perform? These are the two basic issues raised by the project “Development of Media Literacy Indicators of individual, corporate and citizen”, DINAMIC, that Gabinete de Educación y Comunicación Research Group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) developed.
The research was funded by the Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental No Orientada (I+D+I), under the VI Programa Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011, from the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
The main objective of the new initiative was to design a system of indicators for Media Literacy, which applies to individuals, companies, corporations and groups. As for contributions, DINAMIC will assess the skills and abilities of individuals, both as regards the use of ICT and its potential to solve problems, such as content creation, among others.
The first phase involved the analysis of the current status of indicators for measuring media literacy as defined by international scientific community. In turn, the starting point was the European indicators already developed by the research team of the Gabinete de Educación y Comunicación Research Group in: Current Trends and Approaches to media literacy in Europe (2007), and Study on Media Literacy Assessment Criteria for Levels (2009), both studies concerning in Europe.
The second phase of the project included the development of a pilot study based on the application of tests in order to rigorously measure Media Literacy levels attained by individuals and groups. The study was applied in companies, schools, media and government.
In turn, the third stage was the extension of the researching field to more sectors.